

Jorge Bex, Director, Co-Writer
My work argues for cultural identity and perception in a hybrid attempt to embody representations of self and community through visual language and sound. In our current society, there is an atmosphere of almost absolute assimilation, where information is accepted without questioning its origin, resulting in polarization, something I explore in my defragmenting aesthetic. Ultimately, I am interested in those moments where the traditional relationship between producer and observer becomes undone and is replaced with new methods that challenge the oppressive cultural context to make room for work that creates a different cultural reality. These forms of understanding are grounded in human experiences and interactions that yield outcomes both individually liberating and culturally enlightening.
Ry Feder Pruett, Editor, Co-writer
Ry has been making films and documentaries for the past 10 years. This is his first full-length project and it has helped to fulfill his goal of applying film as a tool for social change, self-determined representation, and community-based learning. Having made several award winning short films, this project has continued to challenge him to produce work that is compelling in both its contents and its visuals.
Katryna Newman, Producer
Soon to graduate from The Evergreen State College, Katryna fulfills the role of audio technician as well as Producer on her second Documentary project. Her interest in film is in the means to share narratives of social change within under represented communities.